Sunday, February 06, 2005

On Second Blush: Sistani Plays it Chill

From the beginning, the Grand Ayatollah Sistani played the game well, too well. He jawboned and outmaneuvered the 'coalition' into holding the election now. While Moqtada Sadr screamed, Sistani whispered. He looked like the the solid non-threatening cleric we could deal with. The nonthreatening 'Negro' -- Joe Lewis to Sadr's Jack Johnson. Will we take anything as long as there's no civil war? The Shia are making noises; there won't be too much Islam in the yet-to-be written constitution they say -- but in some parts of the south, local judges are already imposing Shariah.

At first blush the Iraqi elections looked like a victory for neo-con deep think -- was it? The outcome may be too early to call -- but it looks from here like creeping theocracy is the winnah!

Islamic Constitution in Iraq

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Critics sit on the side lines and second guess; leaders take risks. And no war was ever fought according to plan. It also pays to get lucky now and then which may have happened to Bush with the election. Only time will tell. Then again, we may eventually find those pesky WMDs that caused us to go to war in the first place.